Asset images

Assets designs for the great hall
the images shown below are off design sketches for assets that will fill the great hall. There are many objects seen in the great hall in the films, The assets i will be creating are candles/ candle holders, a fireplace, Victorian chairs, drapes hanging from the ceiling, tables and beaches for students, torches of the four house animals and a reading stand where dumbledor speaks.
The candles will be seen floating near the ceiling and the floor standing candles
will be placed in the back to corners of the great hall.
This is the stand where dumbledor talks to the students this will be placed at
the back of the room in front of the teachers table.
This drapes show pictures of the four hogwart houses, they will be shown hanging
from the ceiling
These are the teachers chairs and will be placed at the back behind the teachers
The torches above will hold a flame and will be placed on the walls of the great hall.
the show the four animal symbols of the four houses.

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