Final Renders Of Hogwarts Level

Corridor Renders

The corridor connects the rooms in this level and contains stone bench, four torches, a vaulted ceiling and pillars to hold the ceiling up. In the centre of the room is the door to the great hall and the door ever side of the room lead to Dumbledors study and the Entrants hall.


Entrants Hall

Entrants hall the entrants hall is where the player will start in this room, this room has a vaulted ceiling like the corridor. in the film the students leave there luggage in this room with is why I have placed old travel trunks in this room. i have lanterns that have a light emissive map to make them glow. the stairs will lead up to the corridor and is lit by the four lanterns placed on the stairs.

Great Hall

The great all is the main room in my level and has had the most work done to it. It has the four house torch on the walls as seen in the film and also contains a large fire, there are many assets in this room such as flowing pumpkins, house drapes, dumbledores stand, benches, tables, chairs, ceiling beams and large Gothic windows. Using an online tutorial I creating a fire particle effect and also a magic dust effect placed near the roof on the great hall. The level is set at Halloween time which is why there are sweets on the tables and pumpkins floating near the ceiling.

Dumbledore's study

The final room is  dumbledore's study. to get to this room the player must claim the spiral staircase which has a griffin at the top. I the study the player will see a lots of books and painting. Unlike the movies the paints do not move. There are bookselfts and a ladder to get to the books in this room and two staircases. there are objects on the table like a small cystle ball. if i where to redo this project i would create more assets for this room and paint my own textures raver then using photo textures from the Internet.

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